Current Multicentre Collaborative Studies

The EDMUS Coordinating Center plays a leadership role within the EDMUS network to promote collaborative research activities using the network data, in order to answer medical or scientific questions on Multiple Sclerosis and related diseases.

For each of the studies, data from the various participating centers are entrusted to the EDMUS Coordinating Center, respecting the principles of the EDMUS By-Laws and Code of Behaviour, the confidentiality due to the patient and bioethics laws. They are only used within the context of the collaborative study, as jointly decided.

In addition, the results of these multicentre collaborative studies are made available to all EDMUS network members as well as to the medical and scientific community, and are published by the EDMUS Coordinating Center in order to further our knowledge of the disease.

Several multicentre collaborative studies are being carried out :

  • The POPARTMUS study, a European multicenter trial of post-partum progestin and estriol in Multiple Sclerosis
  • The NOMADMUS study on Devic’s Neuromyelitis Optica (DNMO) and its biological markers
  • The TYSEDMUS study, a multicentric cohort study of French MS patients treated and non treated with Tysabri®