EDMUS Thesaurus, Help and Countries files (for EDMUS 5.5 to 5.7.1)

An alphabetical list of the available exams in the Exam Thesaurus is presented below.

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Exam Category
Abnormal cells Blood Cell Count
Acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibodies Antibodies
Albumin Blood/Other
Alkaline phosphatase Blood/Liver
Alpha-fetoprotein Other Exams
Alpha1-globulins Blood/Other
Alpha2-globulins Blood/Other
ALT/SGPT Blood/Liver
Amniocentesis Other Exams
Angiotensin converting enzyme Blood/Other
Anti-cardiolipid antibodies Antibodies
Anti-GFAP antibodies Antibodies
Anti-interferon antibodies Anti-Drug Antibodies
Anti-JCV antibody index Infection Markers
Anti-microsomal antibodies Antibodies
Anti-mitochondrial antibodies Antibodies
Anti-Natalizumab antibodies Anti-Drug Antibodies
Anti-native DNA antibodies Antibodies
Anti-parietal cell antibodies Antibodies
Anti-phospholipid antibodies Antibodies
Anti-smooth muscle antibodies (ASMA) Antibodies
Anti-thyroglobulin antibodies Antibodies
Antinuclear antibodies Antibodies
Antithrombin III Blood/Other
AST/SGOT Blood/Liver
Basophils Blood Cell Count
Beta-globulins Blood/Other
Bone densitometry (DXA) Other Exams
Borellia burgdorferi Infection Markers
C-ANCA Antibodies
C-reactive protein Inflammation
Calcium Blood/Electrolytes
Cardiologist's opinion Other Exams
CD19+ B lymphocytes Blood Cell Count
CD20+ B lymphocytes Blood Cell Count
CD3+ T lymphocytes Blood Cell Count
CD4+ T lymphocytes Blood Cell Count
CD62L-expressing CD4+ T cells Blood Cell Count
CD8+ T lymphocytes Blood Cell Count
Creatinine Blood/Kidney
Creatine kinase Blood/Other
Cryoglobulinemia Blood/Other
CSCT TEST 30s Other Exams
CSCT TEST 60s Other Exams
CSCT TEST 90s Other Exams
CSCT TEST 120s Other Exams
CT scan Other Exams
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection Markers
Dental consultation Other Exams
Dermatological consultation Other Exams
EBV Infection Markers
ECG Other Exams
Echocardiogram Other Exams
Echography Other Exams
Eosinophils Blood Cell Count
EQ-5D VAS (visual analogue scale) Other Exams
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Inflammation
Eye angiography Other Exams
Fibrinogen Inflammation
Fundus examination Other Exams
Gamma GT Blood/Liver
Glucose Blood/Other
Glycated hemoglobin Blood/Other
Hematocrit Blood Cell Count
Hemoglobin Blood Cell Count
Hepatitis A Infection Markers
Hepatitis B - Anti-HBs Infection Markers
Hepatitis B - Anti-HBc Infection Markers
Hepatitis B - Anti-HBe Infection Markers
Hepatitis B - HBs antigen Infection Markers
Hepatitis B - HBe antigen Infection Markers
Hepatitis B - HBV DNA Infection Markers
Hepatitis C Infection Markers
Hepatitis E Infection Markers
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) Infection Markers
HIV Infection Markers
HLA Typing Other Exams
HTLV 1 & 2 Infection Markers
IgA Blood/Other
IgG Blood/Other
IgM Blood/Other
IgG anti-SARS CoV-2 Infection Markers
Interferon-gamma release assay Infection Markers
JC Virus Infection Markers
Lactic/pyruvic acids Blood/Other
Lipid profile Blood/Other
Lipid profile - Cholesterol/HDL ratio Blood/Other
Lipid profile - HDL Blood/Other
Lipid profile - LDL Blood/Other
Lipid profile - Total cholesterol Blood/Other
Lipid profile - Triglycerides Blood/Other
Lymphocytes Blood Cell Count
Lysosomal/peroxysomal enzymes Blood/Other
Monocytes Blood Cell Count
Neutrophils Blood Cell Count
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) Other Exams
Organ-specific antibodies Antibodies
P-ANCA Antibodies
Platelet count Blood Cell Count
Potassium Blood/Electrolytes
Pregnancy test Other Exams
Pulmonar radiography Other Exams
Red blood cell count Blood Cell Count
Respiratory functional tests Other Exams
Rubella serology Infection Markers
Sodium Blood/Electrolytes
T lymphocytes Blood Cell Count
T3 Blood/Other
T4 Blood/Other
Total bilirubin Blood/Liver
Total immunoglobulins Blood/Other
Total protein Blood/Other
Toxoplasmosis serology Infection Markers
TSH Blood/Other
Tuberculin IDR Infection Markers
Urea Blood/Kidney
Uric acid Blood/Other
Urine albumin Urinalysis
Urine blood Urinalysis
Urine culture Urinalysis
Urine glucose Urinalysis
Urine ketones Urinalysis
Urine leukocytes Urinalysis
Urine nitrite Urinalysis
Urine pH Urinalysis
Urine protein Urinalysis
VDRL & TPHA Infection Markers
Very long chain fatty acids Blood/Other
Visual acuity Other Exams
Vitamin B12 Blood/Other
Vitamin D Blood/Other
VZV Infection Markers
White blood cell count Blood Cell Count